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YMCA Staff member Kyla stands next to a frozen waterfall on a winter hike

Winter Hiking

Kyla Jackson, Aquatic Supervisor at Remington YMCA in Quarry Park, is an avid hiker whose initiated a quarterly staff hike to engage YMCA employees and volunteers outside of work in some healthy, outdoor fun. For this month's staff feature, we wanted to share some of Kyla's tips for safe, fun (and warm) winter hiking.
kids playing video games

Esports pilot now in-person after successful launch.

After a successful season of virtual tournaments, esports is back at YMCA Calgary. Only this time, Calgary youth will meet and compete in person.
hero image for winter promo

Gain With Us in 2024!

YMCA Calgary is dedicated to igniting the potential in others by eliminating obstacles and fostering safe, inclusive spaces where everyone belongs.
Lisa Rushton poses with the YMCA Calgary holiday gnome in front of a graphic background of YMCA triangles

Y Story: Lisa Rushton

Meet Lisa Rushton, committed donor and staff at YMCA Calgary. Relocating from Vancouver to Calgary nearly a decade ago marked the start of her tenure with the YMCA, coinciding with the opening of Remington YMCA at Quarry Park.
A boy and young woman smile holding hands

Spreading joy through simple acts of kindness

With less than 30 days remaining in 2023, many of us are feeling the pressure of another year’s end. The holiday season can feel like the most wonderful time of the year, and it can also be emotionally, financially, and physically taxing.
A woman slips on a stair

Don’t Let Slips, Trips and Falls Drag You Down!

Slips, trips, and falls are seemingly minor accidents can have serious consequences, ranging from minor bruises to severe injuries. In this blog, we'll explore the causes of slip, trip, and falls, their impact on individuals and most importantly, how to prevent them.