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Remington YMCA in Quarry Park
108 Quarry Park Rd SE Calgary, AB T2C 5R1
Today's hours: Hours:
5:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
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Join us for recreation and community in the city’s southeast

Nestled in the centre of the Quarry Park neighbourhood, Remington YMCA is a modern community hub in Calgary’s southeast. The 94,000 square foot (8700 square metre) facility features a wide-ranging blend of leisure, recreational and community amenities.

At this location, we offer Extra Membership options, including towel service, locker room hot tubs and steam rooms.

Become a Member

Group of women walking on track

Sign up to become a member at the Remington YMCA in Quarry Park! We offer a variety of experiences, classes, programs and opportunities for all ages and abilities.

Register for a Program

girl smiling in pool

Register for a program at Remington YMCA at Quarry Park. From swimming lessons to sports, arts programs to child care, YMCA Calgary has you covered! 

Drop in!

group fitness dance class

If you’re not a Y member yet, consider our drop-in options for access to all facilities, general locker rooms and drop-in fitness classes. Daily drop-in and multi-visit cards are available.

Photo Identification is required for entry

In order to access any YMCA Calgary facility, individuals over 12 years of age must present a YMCA Calgary membership card or a valid piece of photo identification to one of our Member Services Representatives in order for us to grant access.

If you are not able to present photo identification, unfortunately, you will not be able to access the program areas of the facility.


25 Metre Lane Pool
On Deck Hot Tub
Leisure Pool
Indoor Track
Fitness Studio
Strength / Cardio Equipment
Personal Training
Multipurpose Rooms
Art Studio
Child Minding
Child Care Centre
City of Calgary Public Library
Food Services
Membership Extra - Steam Rooms Available in Change Rooms
Universal Change Rooms

About our naming sponsor Remington Development Corporation

Remington Development Corporation is proud to offer its support to the new Remington YMCA. As part of the newly developed Quarry Park, Remington YMCA is ideally located within a mix of corporate, retail and residential properties. It is surrounded by ten kilometres of pathways, giving users from all areas the chance to benefit from this facility.

Remington Development Corporation has long been a strong believer in healthy families and communities. YMCA Calgary’s model of access to all is important to Remington, as sports, childcare, fitness facilities and camps can be very expensive. YMCA provides affordable or subsidized access so that all can participate.

For more information about Remington Development Corporation, please click here.

YMCA Calgary is committed to serving our communities. With that, accessibility is important to us. Remington YMCA in Quarry Park is glad to offer accessibility lifts in all areas. This includes the Lane Pool, Leisure Pool, hot tub, and stalls with change rooms.