Saddletowne YMCA Child Development Centre
180-7555 Falconridge Blvd NE Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
Today's hours: Hours:
7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
All hours

Information about Saddletowne YMCA Child Care

Current Enrolment Status

little boy reading book with educator

The child care centre is currently full. Families with a child/ren on the waitlist will be contacted by a member of our team when a space matching their child's age is available.

Child Care Waitlist

girls making silly faces

Families with a child on the centre’s waitlist will be contacted by a member of our team when a space, matching their child’s age, is available. Current registrations will be transferred to the next calendar year’s waitlist without additional charge.

Part Time Inquiries

little girl smiling with lime in hands

Part-time child care is currently unavailable at Saddletowne YMCA Child Development Centre.

Saddletowne YMCA Child Development Centre Fees

The Government of Alberta’s Affordability Grant benefits families by reducing monthly fees. The affordability grant is applied to the full monthly fee for each child’s registration, reducing the amount the family pays for child care services.


Toddler (19 - 35mo)
Full FeeGov't GrantYour Fee


Kinder (3 - 6 yr)
Full FeeGov't GrantYour Fee


**All fees effective January 1, 2024.

Additional financial support is available to eligible families through the Alberta Childcare Subsidy program as well as YMCA Calgary’s internal financial assistance program.