For nearly a century, Camp Chief Hector YMCA has been a place where children and youth find adventure, build confidence and form lifelong friendships in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. From paddling and climbing to storytelling around the campfire, these experiences shape who they become—leaders, explorers and resilient individuals ready to take on the world.
Now, as Camp approaches its 100th anniversary, we’re working to ensure that future generations can experience the same magic. With your help, we’re raising $17 million to modernize facilities, expand access and strengthen Camp’s ability to serve for the next 100 years.
We’ve come so far! $12.4 million has already been raised, but we need $4.6 million more to complete this vision.
Your Gift Makes a Difference
By giving today, you’re doing more than donating, you’re opening doors for children to explore, learn and grow. You’re helping create life-changing moments of confidence, independence and belonging that last a lifetime.
Join us. Be part of Camp’s future.
Donate today and show Camp some love.
Make a gift today and ensure life-changing camp experiences for the youth of tomorrow.
Help us show Camp some love
We believe that everyone in Alberta should get the chance to fall in love with camp, but we need your help to make its future a reality! View our campaign page to learn more about campaign progress, our goals, and the ways you can support Love, Camp.